Wednesday, August 7, 2013

On Nerd Life and Adult Life

     There are an INSANE amount of geeky goodies to be excited about lately. Star Trek, Avengers, X-Men, Doctor Who...all are coming out with new content soon, and I am stoked. But as I was chit-chatting with folks about the pick for the new Doctor (I was really pulling for Natalie Dormer, but I knew that hope was doomed from the start), I saw a bunch of people on my BookFace feed getting...almost ANGRY about the excitement within the Whovian fandom.
How dare you enjoy the things that you like! Dishonor on you AND your cow!

     It's part of a trend I've been noticing for ages now, that enthusiasm, ESPECIALLY unbridled enthusiasm, is generally seen as something to be avoided. Why? I can't really comprehend the mentality behind not wanting to be excited about anything.
     Geeks get a bad rap for being weirdos (which is fair enough), but what's treated as especially strange is their excitement about the things that they care about. It's called obsession and fanaticism, and is perceived to be mentally unhealthy. Frick that. I say, unbridled enthusiasm is smashing! Passion is wonderful! Excitement and wonder is to be desired, not disdained.

     You aren't more grown up when you act disinterested in anything. You act like a grown up when you stay true to yourself and your feelings. If you've always wanted to join the circus, and think trapeeze artists are the bee's knees, get pumped up about that! Show your friends sweet trapeeze videos, take a trapeeze class. Have fun with the things you love!
Beta-read Fanfiction porn, follow your dreams!

     You could wait a million years to feel like an adult, to have those grownup pastimes work their way into your life. The secret to being an adult is that you ARE one(unless there's younguns on my blahg. What are you doing here, younguns?). Adulthood is just a continuation of your life. The changes that take place are put into action by you, no one comes by with the adult stamp and changes what you love (unless I am very mistaken, and they somehow skipped myself and everyone I know).
P.S.: The other secret to adulthood is that you aren't really broke if you tell you bank account to shut up.

Not today, bank account!
     I've heard quite a few young adults saying "These are my last chances to do/see/love these things", and that makes me sad. You have the freedom to enjoy your hobbies however you want now (unless those hobbies involve human dismemberment, you can't do that), you can geek out even harder as a grownup. You get to choose your life now. You can get rid of all the people who don't want to move forward in their lives, people who hold you back. The hobbies you never cared for, but had to participate in, the traditions you think are super lame. Throw it all out, and make the perfect life for you, with all the best people, the best times, and the very sweetest video games.
It's true, you know.
So, toodles for now folks, I'm off to play the Game of Thrones: Ascent online game! (I'm Nym Zyngis, add me)

Until next time I roll around,

A Quick Summary

Oh hey there, I have a blog. Sometimes I forget, because I spend so much time on my Tumblog. I have been up to some shenanigans, folks. Most recently, I worked the Ren Faire with Phelan (and got some sweet items from the other stalls), I moved out of my first apartment, and moved in with Tascha. I'll be here until her lease is up, and then probably hop-skip to a new place (Bonus: Binx is a cuddly kitty, and he likes to take naps next to me while I'm online). I had a fun Litha celebration, though I didn't get to do all that I planned, on account of Phelan having half a billion jobs, making it hard for him to get time off. But I brewed mead, which was pretty cool, and hung out outdoors, making flower crowns from weeds, which is also fun. I'm teaching myself how to make chainmaile, because I am a walking, breathing stereotype :p Also, I'm going to get a wig so I can have wacky hair AND a well-paying job. Plus, I'm going to Austin City Limits music festival, where I will see The Cure and Depeche Mode live. It's a good life.
And now, we return to your not-so-scheduled blogging about things and stuff.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Of Mistakes Made and Lessons Learned

Ask not for consistency from me, dear readers, for it is not something I do well. In any case, I am back to ramble at you. I'm not entirely sure where this blog post will take me, but I suppose that's half the adventure.

As I type this, Diamond and Pedro are asleep, Phelan is off somewhere, existing, no doubt, as he tends to do. I am on the couch, and the house is silent. I've already done my makeup in an extravagant manner, and most other time wasting activities are unavailable to me, as I broke my glasses earlier in the evening a rather violent bout of trying to smother myself in my blankets (I do that a lot, don't worry about it).

I'm feeling rather introspective.
Life has been one crazy existential crisis after another lately, as tends to happen in the chasm of insanity that is the 18-28 age bracket. Lost is the structure and certainty of high school, not yet gained is the structure and obligations of Settling Down. It's a time of abundant freedom and copious bad choices. Within each, an opportunity to learn.

What all have I learned by the terrible choices I've made?

That I'm terrible at accomplishing mundane tasks, because they bore me and I don't want to do them.

That one of the tasks I need to accomplish is setting down a plan to speak to a psychiatrist, because while my manic episodes are fun, I don;t think anything through while in the midst of them, and my depressive episodes are really detrimental and painful to myself.

Life is more than A-to-B journeys. We are constantly told that we need to achieve a sustainable, comfortable life. I have a comfortable, sustainable life, and I work four nights a week at eight dollars an hour. Surely I can aim for something higher than this? If you know me at all, and I assume that almost all of my readership does, you know that I am never satisfied with sitting still. I want adventures throughout the world, and I want to discover things about myself and others that I never knew. I am an absurd person in a devastatingly boring world, because that's what we're told to want. Screw that, my dears.

Be whoever the hell you are, where ever you want to be. You've been told otherwise, don't even fib. But the fact of the matter is, you have one human life here on earth, and it would be a terrible shame to spend it being what someone else has told you to be. With the power of will, and scope of human ingenuity, you are truely capable of anything. Do you want to make a jousting tournament, with human steeds? Do that shit. Send me an invite, I'll sign up. That fact of the matter is, the limitations confining you are the limitations that you have defined. Once you're out on your own, you're in charge. Want to sell things on the internet instead of working a 9-to-5 shift? YOU CAN DO THAT. Go on the internet, list your goods, and get links out into the blogosphere. Want to have a dance party in a fancy dress? Boy, girl, or other, DO IT. Life happens in these tiny moments of pure freedom.

Some people don't want your help, and they will make you feel like shit. That doesn't mean you should give up. NEVER give up. When you make a mistake, get right with your conscience, what other people do is up to them.

Basically, and I can tell you this for damn sure, a life lived full of mistakes and experiences is far richer and more satisfying than a life lived in constant planning and preparation for what will happen one day.

Surviving isn't hard.
Now it's time to thrive.

And remember, you're never too old for sweet robot rings.
Yours sincerely,