Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Apologies for wandering away, in case anyone had wondered where I'd been.
I have been jotting things down at the bus stop, but only bits and pieces, nothing quite well-rounded enough for me to post.
A quick recap of life lately:
My job is annoying, and the quest begins for a new one.
My coworker makes me want to punch her so hard she gets lung cancer. Which makes for fun angry poetry while waiting for the bus. I may perhaps pastably post it for you, because why not?
Also, a new DND campaign begins soon, joyfully! I'm a half-elf ranger, should anyone be interested. I'm still building upon my character, so any input would be welcome and fun.

Now, on to my actual topic! This struck me today while setting up breakfast, and I've been rolling the idea around for about an hour, which is more time than I usually spend musing on my topics. I don't mean this will be any less wandering and unstructured than any other post, mind you.


This may stem from way too many hours spent playing Final Fantasy Tactics, but I feel that there's certain things that come with prerequisites. You can't be a knight before you've been a squire, after all.

For example, if you've never had a proper job, where bits of your money have been spirited away into taxes, you don't get to complain about them. You don't get to complain about how high taxes are, you don't get to complain about how tax dollars are spent, because they aren't YOUR tax dollars. What you do get to do is sit, and shut your trap.

If you're thousands of dollars in debt, because you have a credit card, a tendency to want things you don't have the money to buy, and poor impulse control, you don't get to complain about the National Deficit. It's quite easy to sit there and feel superior, but until you deal with your own irresponsible spending, you can't complain about anyone else's. Deal with your problems in-house before giving advice about everyone else's. Guess what you ARE intitled to do? Sit, and shut your trap.

Don't like pop music? Do you listen to it? If you do, then just stop. If you don't listen to the radio at all, then you don't get to complain! :D You haven't actually heard it, you just dislike the idea of it. Until you've had an extensive listen to your local Top 40 station, you don't get an opinion of anything it plays. Not out loud, anyway. You can think whatever it is you like in that head of yours. But until you've heard what you're critizing, you get to sit, put your headphones in, play whatever music it is you feel is deep and meaningful, and shut your trap.

Think a food is nasty that you've never had?
Think someone's views are ignorant, but haven't actually listened to what they have to say?
Think something is stupid when you know not a thing about it?

Don't shake your hypothetical head at me, every single one of us is guilty of it.

So let's try and make the world a better and more understanding place, one ignorant shut trap at a time.

Much love,

Raven, your charming (and occasionally arrogant) blogmistress.

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