Thursday, July 7, 2011

Let's get with the introductions!

Hey there, internet populace!
 Welcome to my brand new blog. I actually am not entirely sure what it will be about yet. Knowing me, it will be a hodge-podge of things, like sewing tutorials for (appropriately spooky) crafts and clothes, bits and pieces of my life, Victorian shenanigans, and my opinions.
 Now, if you're wondering about me (and I imagine you would be, if only a little), my name is Raven. Now, just to clarify, my name is actually Raven. It isn't a pseudonym I made for myself to sound like the very most ooky spookiest of folks. Maybe I'll talk about the origin of my name another time. I'm an 18 year old, who has recently taken a twelve-hour car-venture to Colorado, where I am now living. I'm staying with my best friend, Diamond, while I search for a job. After which I plan to move into an apartment somewhere-abouts and be an adult and such.
 Things you may run into on this blog, should the mood strike me, include:
Goth-y Goodies
Victorian Obsession
Piercing and Tattoo love
Reflections on the Nature of People
General Geekery
Nifty Crafts
And Literary Worship

Welcome to the blog, ladies and gents!

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